The 2023 Child UnLimited Annual Workshop

We are very pleased to invite you to:

Child UnLimited’s 5th Annual Workshop

Held for the first time at Queensland Children’s Hospital, Brisbane QLD.

Background: Child UnLimited’s Annual Workshop brings together young people, parents and families, researchers, clinicians, policy-makers and not-for-profits with a vision to improve outcomes for children, adolescents and young adults living with a chronic illness or disability. 

When: Friday, November 24th, 2023 

Time: 10am-4:30pm (AEST/Brisbane Time)

Where: Level 7 Auditorium, Queensland Children's Hospital, 501 Stanley St, South Brisbane 

How: In-person attendance only

Cost: FREE

Who: All Welcome

RSVP:  Register here 


New Partnership - Luminesce Alliance Psychosocial Enabling Platform


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